GKC mentor Curro Coaches in Johannesburg

Gary Kirsten Cricket is swiftly extending its reach to all parts of the country.

In January, Kirsten, Ryan Cook and Ryan van Niekerk ran a coaching workshop with 20 coaches from four Curro’s school’s at the Waterstone College.

This engagement was part of the ongoing relationship between the GKC and the Curro School group. The day was divided into two sessions where Kirsten and his team delivered theory and practical workshops. Session one covered coaching education and what is required and different schools. While the second session was a practical one which took place in the indoor centre.Here coaches were put through batting, bowling and fielding drills.

“We gave the coaches a look into how we do things at GKC,” van Niekerk said.

“It was highly beneficial. There were lots of questions, interesting debates and we are hoping to do more work like this in the Johannesburg region,” he added.