GKCA has recently completed working with a young star from Canada Nikhil Patel. Over the course of the cricket season, the academy has had players from all around the world, England, India, Pakistan and now Canada. Its exciting to work with players from all around the world and to understand the different cultures and ways of playing the game.
Nikhil has been working with the Academy for a week now under the guidance of head coach Ryan Cook and its been fantastic to watch the growth in such a short time.
Over the course of this year, the Gary Kirsten Academy will be doing some travelling around the world while running a series of High Performance programs. We will be looking for the next Nikhil to come through the ranks and come and join us in Cape Town for some intensive training.
For more information on our overseas programs and trips, contact us on coaching@garykirsten.com or visit our website www.garykirsten.com for regular updates.